Confirmation Statement Service

from £44.99 per year

Previously known as the Annual Return

What is a confirmation statement?

The confirmation statement is a Companies House filing requirement for all limited companies and LLPs.

It replaced the Annual Return on 30 June 2016, and essentially has the exact same purpose – it verifies that all company information is accurate and up to date.

1st Formations provide a confirmation statement filing service, which will ensure you keep your company legal and compliant. There are no late filing penalties for a confirmation statement, however, your company will be struck from the company register if it is not filed.

How it works:

  • Select the Standard or Express Service
  • Enter the required details in the online form
  • Checkout and pay
  • We will send you a questionnaire on your company by email
  • We will complete and file the CS01 form (confirmation statement)
  • We will confirm the acceptance of your confirmation statement by email
  • This service is renewable on an annual basis at a cost of £44.99 +VAT
  • It is a legal requirement for all limited companies and LLPs

Standard Service

Your confirmation statement will be filed within 3 working days of receiving the required information. Our price also includes the Companies House filing fee.

£44.99 Buy Now

Express Service

Your confirmation statement will be filed within 24 hours (1 working day) of receiving the required information. Our price also includes the Companies House filing fee.

£54.99 Buy Now

What is included in our price?

  • Companies House fee
  • Completion and filing of the CS01 form
  • Reporting changes to SIC codes, shareholder information, and statement of capital

Full Company Secretary Service

£149.99 per year

A Confirmation Statement filing service is included FREE with our Full Company Secretary Service.

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Frequently asked questions

What information can be updated using a confirmation statement?

A confirmation statement can be used to update the following information at Companies House:

  • SIC codes (principal business activities)
  • Shareholder changes that have occurred since the last confirmation statement
  • Changes to the statement of capital, since the filing of the last confirmation statement
  • Trading status of shares
  • Exemption from keeping a PSC register

Note: Changes to the registered office address, PSCs and company officers cannot be notified via a confirmation statement and instead must be reported using the relevant forms. Our team of company experts will be more than happy to file these changes at an additional charge.

What information does 1st Formations need, to file your confirmation statement?

If you are an existing customer and formed your company using 1st Formations, we will not require you to provide any information. We will send you a current company summary, which you should confirm as being correct or notify us of any changes.

If you are a new customer, you will need to create an account on our website and import your company. Don’t worry, this is a simple process and we will provide easy to follow instructions.

How often do I need to file a confirmation statement?

A confirmation statement must be filed at Companies House at least once every 12 months.

This service is renewable annually, ensuring you do not miss a filing date in the future.

When is the confirmation statement due?

A confirmation statement is due 14 days after the anniversary of the date of incorporation or the date you filed the last confirmation statement.

When will my confirmation statement be filed?

There are two ordering options available for our Confirmation Statement Service – Standard or Express. If you order your confirmation statement using the Standard service, it will be filed within 3 working days of receiving the required information.

If you need your confirmation statement filed in a hurry, you can purchase the Express service and it will be filed within 24 hours (1 working day) of receiving the information we require.