ID Requirements for Company Formation

Why do we require proof of ID and address?

We are regulated by the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Regulations 2019, London Local Authorities Act 2007, and Know Your Customer (KYC) guidelines, which means we must verify the ID and address of customers and certain shareholders.

Don’t worry – 90% of our customers do not need to do anything

We will perform a digital check of your ID and address using the information you have already provided in your company order form.

If we ask you to supply ID – it will take you 5 minutes using your smartphone

For the remaining 10% of our customers who are not eligible for our digital ID check, or where their digital ID check fails, we have teamed up with CREDAS to provide you with a state-of-the-art mobile App to digitally certify and send us your proof of ID and address in just 5 minutes, for no additional cost.

Our ID Team will send you an invitation by email with simple instructions on how to use the App. We recommend you use your passport and a proof of address document dated within the past 3 months when using the App.

Who needs to supply ID

If we need to ask you for ID, we will let you know the names of the people we require it from, so you do not have work this out for yourself. However, for information purposes only, please see who we are legally required to obtain ID from:

  • Anyone who purchases a company formation package, an address service, and certain company secretarial services, e.g. transfer or issue of shares, etc.
  • All shareholders who own over 25% of a company or LLP.
  • Anyone using our Business Address Service, who wishes to have mail forwarded to them.